Growth Mindset

Interrupt the 2%

Pollyanna. A hard-wired optimist. Instinctively looking for the good, the unique, the opportunity in every situation.  Ninety-eightpercentofthetime, this is me. Finding the proverbial silver lining.  It’s that blasted 2% … often triggered by crap self-care during periods of extreme stress … waking up to the stark dark of night, in the silent hours when manic melancholy seeps […]

Read the Field. Figure it out.

I grew up a farm kid. Not major acreage–just a small hobby farm–but enough for cows and hay. As long as I can remember, we mowed and raked, and then hired out the baling. (For the record, a baler is a very fussy piece of equipment. Very fussy.) When I say “we” mowed and raked, […]

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