Strategic Insight

Same. But different.

Same:    resembling in every relevant respect corresponding so closely as to be indistinguishable As long as I can remember, the entry into summer has had a predictable rhythm. It rains. Like a lot. Wet Dog Season gets old. Really old. Finally, spring decides to leave, dripping all over the floor on its way out. […]

Make Hay While the Sun Shines.

Sometimes it’s easy to mark the end of one thing and the beginning of another. Like winter in Alaska. Other seasons seem to last forever. Like baseball. “There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on earth: a right time to plant and another to reap…” Ecc 3:1 MSG There’s a […]

Read the Field. Figure it out.

I grew up a farm kid. Not major acreage–just a small hobby farm–but enough for cows and hay. As long as I can remember, we mowed and raked, and then hired out the baling. (For the record, a baler is a very fussy piece of equipment. Very fussy.) When I say “we” mowed and raked, […]

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